Great Lakes Science Center

Facebook PPC

Go ahead,invest in a Facebook ad. After all how could you reach a more captured and interested customer for your business. You can purchase advertisements inexpensively, run it for a set amount of time - and have your site spread via the best route of all: The buzz created among your social network friends (all of whom are sitting there, right in your specific niche demographic).

Remember, this is an experiment. Set your daily allotment low, and track it. (Facebook does allow you to do that.)

Maximizing Your Ad

Make the most of Facebook ads' graphics ability, and add an appealing photo or image (just look at those Facebook ads down the right-hand side of your profile page, to see examples of visually strong ads).

And Facebook's ability to target by city, state and country is one of its best ad features. If your website or blog is dependent on location and you've also created a Fan Page on Facebook, you may find you've got it made.

One caution, however: Do make sure that you actually do use strong, specific keywords for your niche in your ad headline and body text.  Keep the focus narrow to that one single, specific group.

Remember that Facebook's participants are predominantly  the female 18-34 range. If you were running a site that wanted to sell to a strong male demographic in a different age range, you'd need to make sure there was a good sprinkling of active Facebook groups and fan pages in that field visibly populated with males, before you went ahead with your ad.

Remember - keep your daily costs low, your target specific - and good luck with your Facebook advertising!

to your success,

Branding and Facebook Ad Success

Are you one of those entrepreneurs who is focusing on branding their business or company?  If your answer is "yes", you may want to link your Facebook ad to your Facebook page.  Don't have one?  Well. Let's have a look at Facebook pages.

A Facebook page provides "a customizable presence for an organization, product, or public personality to join the conversation with Facebook users", according to Facebook. Its main focus is the "stream of content" provided by page administrators.

In other words, create a page for your company or yourself, providing real-time feedback, updates, screen shots and photos. Then establish your brand, endowing the page with a definite, deliberate personality - one which you want aligned to your company mission and values. Chances are you will find you've created a powerful connection with your visitors. The content on your page and the feedback from real readers may help convince them to then click on your sales page link or the link to your main site, once your ad appears and people see that yours is a lively, positive page.

Another thing a page can do is charm potential customers into regular visits - particularly if they know you are going to:

  • - Provide them with an "insider" peek into your company's heart
  • - Give them inside information
  • - Provide them with the latest news about your product or company
  • - Give them a "reward"; perhaps a special discount link, a game against other fans, or the chance to enter a contest or draw (run the latter two events by Facebook first!)

Regular followers are an asset - and a sure sign that you're doing things right.

Beware of "Selling"

One thing that is key to creating a successful, strong Facebook Page: Be honest and up-front with your readers. Avoid anything that even faintly resembles hype or a sales pitch.

This should be the place they go that makes them feel as if you've let them slip into your private lunchroom, chatting with them like a friend and sharing things you wouldn't share with outsiders. Your posts will also appear in their News Feeds.

Next : What does Facebook have to offer network marketers.

To your success,

Social Networking...What's It All About

Since being introduced in the mid 1990's social networking sites have revolutionized the way we do business online. With instant access to your target audience, and the ability to keep a steady pulse on what our market is currently interested in, it has never been easier to connect with potential buyers and long-term customers.
Networking can provide people with the opportunity to create profiles, blogs and personal pages that reflect their individuality, interests and experiences. It puts people in quick contact with old friends, or helps them make new ones. When it comes to generating new interest or exposure for your online business, social networks can help you quickly locate potential buyers, connect with authority figures, expand your outreach and even conduct niche research to determine current buying patterns, trends and overall demand. 

There are literally hundreds of social media sites that have sprung up over the last few years. However due to the time involved with engaging and interacting within these communities while establishing credibility in your market in order to build the most effective marketing campaigns, you'll want to focus only on the most established,active social community sites. I will discuss  some of the top  networking websites where you can build an online presence quickly and easily, while subsequently tapping into some of the most profitable niche markets online, and locating potential joint venture partners and important business contacts. These community sites will help you to develop brand awareness while maximizing your exposure and outreach.

Look for my next blog as I begin a series of posts on  my experiences and lessons learned on some of the networking communities that I have been involved in. 

To your Success,

Knowing Who You Are

Knowing who you are is a very important task. When you know who you are and clearly understand what you want, you can better discover how to live a  successful life. In knowing yourself you can live a life of purpose and happiness.

Knowing your inner self (what makes you tick) will enable you to reach your goals more effectively. Knowing who you are will lead to an inner calmness that will improve your attitude and your relationships and connections with others.

Psychologists receive very good salaries helping individuals see and understand who they are. It is natural most people hide their inner feelings. There are situations in our lives that we do not wish to cope with. 
Knowing who you are empowers and enables you to create different choices for your life. Develop a positive attitude and believe in yourself. Develop confidence in yourself and believe that you can achieve all that your potential and skills will allow.

Getting to know yourself is a voyage that will allow you to transform your life for the better. The success of this journey depends deeply upon if you are willing to face yourself. Know that no one is perfect and accept the fact that yes, you do have some problem areas. I am very impatient at times with other people not understanding what seems to me, to be simple. On this journey to enlightenment you might discover certain things that you may not like about yourself. You may possibly want to hide or deny them even from yourself. Be strong and accept those negative things because it is only by accepting your faults you can truly change for the better.

Be able to accept and listen to the opinion of others who speak with wisdom and understanding. Some call it constructive criticism I call it  wise counsel. Be willing to learn. Remember, "it is a wise man that accepts wise counsel," from Proverbs in the Bible. Changing your judgment and views by using more reliable facts is not a sign of weakness but of strength in your character. Be wise not stubborn!

Discover and improve the true person inside of you and not what others perceive you to be. It is not about who you believe you must be, but the person that you truly are. Discover your strengths and weaknesses and become a complete person.

Educate to eradicate the ignorance of a negative mindset. Read both books and people. They both can help you change your life to one of mental calm with direction and lead to a fulfilled and successful life.

What's getting to know who you are.
 What's never taking the time "To thine own self be true".

To your success,

Success Starts In The Mind

Success has many meanings depending on what you are seeking for in your life, relationships and career. To athletes, success can mean obtaining that gold medal.  To parents success can mean raising children with good moral values.  To a doctor success can mean saving a life and to some it can mean a job promotion or acquiring wealth. Your success depends on your perspective of what brings value to your life. You can not walk through life basing your success by the standards of someone else. Living to satisfy someone else will leave your life unfulfilled and empty.

The dictionary defines success as prosperous progress, achievement, or termination. You should make a decision on what you truly want. Focus in your mind on what will offer a desirable or favorable outcome in each aspect of your life. Set goals that can be achieved. Measure your success by how close you come to accomplishing your goals. Set reasonable goals based upon your skills and abilities.

Your mind is an incredible and powerful tool. Strive to improve and utilize your mind to complete capacity to accomplish success. Improve your mind by education. Become a reader and learn from the wisdom of the endeavors of the successful. 

Understand the power of your subconscious mind and how to be encouraged by your mind. There are no coincidences in life. You have the power to control your life, to control your success and your failures. You have the power to change your life in any area you are not content with. Setting goals and focusing will often lead to attainment of your desires.

Expectation, belief and desire are three powerful forces that can help you achieve success. Before anything you wish to happen, you must desire for it to happen. Believe in your mind it will happen and then expect it will happen. First turn your dreams into success in your mind.

Generate positive results in your life by first generating positive thoughts in your mind. There is a reason successful people never spend time with negative people. Negative people generate and exude negative. They give negative information and discouragement to you. This is why they are not successful. Do not waste your time.

Starting in your mind when you accomplish each goal, stop for a while and relish that certain satisfaction and pleasure of achieving that goal. Great or small, it is a beginning that will lead to a better life, a successful life. Celebrate!

What's Good...beginning to believe in your success in your mind.
   What's Bad....NOT changing your mindset to accomplish success.

To your success,

Having an Open Mind

What's open mind allows one to magnetize opportunities and insists and continues to follow opportunities. Even if an opportunity is small an open mind is open to follow it. Dreams may start small but with focus and planning and fortitude those dreams that start in an open mind can reach maturity. 

In network marketing it is called having passion. True passion starts in an open mind. Can you imagine running your own business? It starts with the passion to want to get out of the 9 to 5 box. It turns into a passion that demands you to seek those who can help you reach your dreams.

Your passion opens your mind to explore the wisdom of those who have succeeded in the business of your choice. What did they do? How did they become leaders? Most importantly how can I become the leader. What is so truly great about network marketing is you do not have to lead .....only duplicate what is successful and pass it on. It all starts with an open mind. Change your mindset and you will become free to achieve the life of financial freedom you desire and deserve.

Focus on what is possible, rather than the limits that you may see just before you. See yourself beyond today and start reaching for those daily goals that lead to your brighter tomorrows. Program your mind to be open to thoughts of success:
  1. Become the person who seeks success by modeling successful people.
  2. Become a reader. Read self-improvement and empowering books. Read autobiographies of successful people who overcame hardships and misfortunes yet they accomplished their goals.
  3. Affirm yourself and focus with a clear image of the outcome. Believe that you can achieve and that it is already done.
  4. Keep your mind filled with positive thoughts and keep negative people are as your friends are.

The mind can create what the mind sees, believes, feels, and thinks. Your reality begins in an open mind. What are you creating as your reality? You can achieve success when you open up your mind to believe and put into action the power of attraction. Attract positive and repel negative, both people and situations.

Open your mind to success, and there will be no What's Bad,



Posted in SUCCESS on June 15th, 2010 by Darren Hardy
Darren Hardy blog_tiredMy mentor Jim Rohn emphasized that one of the first things everyone should work on is their physical health. He said, “How terrible would it be if the mind said, ‘let’s go conquer the world’ and the body said, ‘I can’t even get out of bed’?” It takes your healthy body to carry around your head full of ideas and your heart’s desires.
There is nothing more pitiful than a ready and willing mind but an incapable body.
There is a well-known quote from the philosopher Virgil that says, “The greatest wealth is health.” I also believe that health is the beginning of wealth. In other words, your health will help you create wealth.
Times of great danger. The great efficiencies of technology have made us more inactive and sedentary than ever before. Food has become more abundant, more easily accessible, super-sized, bulk packaged and mass merchandised. Commercial marketing has proliferated into every space of attention with ingeniously creative and utterly tantalizing commercial marketing. It has never been more difficult to become and remain healthy.
If you are in the business of attracting, influencing, selling or leading others, how you show up, your physical appearance, speaks volumes about who you are, how you are and what you are or not capable of.
I know, people shouldn’t judge you, right? Well, here is a clue… they do!
Whether you like it or not, people make judgments and draw conclusions about you in the first 10-15 seconds they meet you, based solely on how you look. Like it or not, how you show up on the outside says a lot about you on the inside. Our body advertises our personal development. All the habits, behaviors, choices, disciplines (or lack there of) are made physical (literally) in your physique.

Success Is....

Are You A Success.......?
Success is one who lives life to the fullest, laughs often and loves deeply; who has gained the respect of his fellow man, gives respect to all women and is looked up to by little children; who has filled his life with love for others and has shared this love; who seeks to leave the world better than he found it, whether by a perfect poem, or a rescued soul; who has never lacked appreciation of the earth's beauty or failed to express it; who has always looked for the best in others and gives the best he has; whose life is an inspiration; who smiles in understanding of lost dreams; whose legacy is of truth that one is only human and one falls so short of GOD's glory; who only wants the best for all and seeks peace with all mankind; can look to the sky and see the hand of GOD; who looks at a child and sees hope; who has learned from and values those who are older; who remembers yesterday, but lives in the present and looks to the future; whose life is a benediction .....a memory that makes one smile.

Live to be a Success,
Seek What's Good.....and let go of What's Bad, 


Do You Want To Be Great or Average?

It is entirely up to you whether you want to be great, or average. Maybe you would be happy with just a little bit above average? More than likely you are reading this article because you want to be great!
First thing you need to do is challenge your belief system. What do you believe? Does it restrict your potential? Are you caught up in a box? Once you have defined your belief system it will be simpler to see which belief could be hindering you from achieving your goals. From here you need to try and decide what can aid you in changing your mindset. Make sure your goals are written down. A goal is simply the shortest route from where you are to where you want to be. It should not be more complicated than this! It should be a journey that you enjoy, seeing results along the journey. Make sure you do enjoy it! This is your life, these are your goals!
 You will get the same old results if you continue to walk the same old path. Change your mindset and change your life. Network Marketing is an answer for today's economy! Believe in yourself and take control of your future. Invest in a program that can build you wealth by providing you with a residual income. Contact me for a better way to a better future.

Finding Happiness

Are you doing what you were meant to do?  Do you feel all that you were meant to feel?  It seems no one is doing or feeling what they were truly put here to experience. There is too much pain instead of happiness in this world. We are all looking for love in all of the wrong places. Finding true happiness and a sense of love with life should come naturally. There  are times that you may feel a sense of oneness with happiness and love filling your very soul BUT it just does not last long enough. Why?  Finding happiness and love is the answer. Now we have to ask the right questions.

What is it that makes you laugh? 
Laughter goes with happiness and what makes you laugh brings joy to your very soul. I have often talked about laughing until you cry. Tears of joy empty out the frustrations and weights of the world that sit on the hearts of  each of us. Set your heart free and find peace by letting go with laughter coming from the depths of your very soul.

What do you find comes naturally?
What do you really like to do? What brings you self-gratification? Find what goes from being work to being fun to do and do it. What others find as being boring or even silly can prove to be your life's vocation. Be who you are and find that natural spark that makes your life worth living. 

What sparks up your life?
Make your life important to you by seeking what motivates you. What brings out the creative juices in your mind? What do you enjoy just thinking about and planning? Next get active and pursue your dreams. Focus on what fulfills your life.

What do you think about when you are alone?
When you are without outside influences what do you find comforting? What do you feel will bring joy from accomplishing?  Completely by yourself, what will you go all the way with to reach your goals? Do you lie awake at night thinking about a plan of action and then get up and get started on it? That's called having passion.

What do you love talking about?
With your best friend what do you enjoy sharing? What do you have passion about sharing from your life? Do you enjoy making others laugh? Laughter is best enjoyed when shared with someone else.

Do you spend your time trying to please others?
Stress comes from not learning how to let go of this world and the influence of others.  Just be yourself. Pleasing others is selfish on their part. Do not be a part of it! Seek what pleases you first and then share it with those that can appreciate it. 

Are you happy?
True happiness must be found in yourself. Yes learn to be happy all by yourself.  If you are dependent upon someone else to make you happy you will be let down. Happiness starts on the inside and then bubbles out. Let no one take your sunshine away because there is a rainbow at the end of the storm.

Live long and be happy in yourself and every walk of your life.   

Somebody Else's Kids

Today I had a tremendous scare. I received an email saying  Breaking News: 100 Jetliners crash killing an estimated 26,500; more feared dead. Governments Worldwide shutdown airlines as the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB), FBI and CIA mobilize investigations dedicated to find out what caused this unimaginable disaster so it will not happen again. For the latest Update, play Audio Clip. listen to this 7 minute audio that tells the real story.

         CLICK --->  Somebody else's kids
Sometimes we wait until it is to late......but we are our brother's keeper. No man is an island and each child is precious to all. My son is important to me, as is my grandson, as is everyone of my friends children, as is the children of those I do not know are to them. Again I say ...each child is precious. May GOD BLESS OUR CHILDREN and FORGIVE US!  What's Good...What's Bad.

Other People's Approval

 "Many people allow their need for other people's approval to control their lives. They spend their lives worrying about what others think of them.
- Rick Warren

Do not look for approval except for the consciousness of doing your best.
- Andrew Carnegie

One of the natural, but unfortunate, human characteristics is the sense of a need for approval. It is wonderful to show your appreciation of others and to thank them whenever possible. It is also pleasing when others show appreciation and thank you. But making any significant life choices based on whether or not others approve sets one on a course of emotional destruction.

Make your important choices in life based on your values and your long-term objectives rather than on a need for approval."

Financial Planning

MOST PEOPLE SPEND more time planning a two-week vacation than they do planning their family's financial future. Like a vacation, however, if you want to arrive at a desired financial destination, you must first establish a plan, then follow it as best you can.
       How much money you have is not always a reflection of how much you make. Free-spiritedly riding the financial wave from week to week is both risky and restrictive.
       Each of us chooses, either purposefully or passively, how we invest our time and treasure. The wise man invests his life carefully, using the temporary currencies of this life to gain riches that will last forever.
       How can we become better stewards of God's money? The key is to acknowledge that it takes more than math skills to make savvy financial decisions. Network marketing has proven to be a wise long term investment strategy for creating residual income. Making the decision of what network marketing company to connect to is a serious decision. There are so many companies out there vying for your attention. Do your due diligence and beware any company that talks fast and pushes you to invest. Be a wise steward. Look for a product that everyone can use at a price that everyone can spend. A product that you do not have to stock or the latest ploy of forced auto ships of 100's of dollars to be maintained. Finally what is the upfront price to become a distributor. What's Good ....What's Bad. Work smarter....not harder I recommend A Christian business with a product that is priced right for all.

Taking Law of Attraction Action

Taking Law of Attraction Action

Taking law of attraction action is more than just doing something because you think you have to do it. If you have a goal or a desire you are trying to manifest, while taking action on it is good, make sure that you are taking the right kind of action.
If you take action on your desires or goals from a place of fear, the law of attraction will respond in kind by bringing you more of what you fear. For instance, if you are looking for a new job or new sources of income in fear of losing your current sources, what will happen is what you don’t want.
Your fear will be the driving emotion that creates a feeling in your body that is sent out to the universe to bring you back it’s duplicate or evidence in your life. Some say that all emotions in the universe reduce down to these two: fear and love, so if your actions are taken from a place of fear, then your results will be continue post click here---->Law of Attraction
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There is no GOD...

Many today say there is no GOD. What do you believe? When you look at the hate and senseless death in this world can there be a GOD?  Children are starving and yet there are those who throw out as garbage, food that they just do not like. There are those who are homeless not because they are lazy and do not want to work but because they can not find work. Yet there are those who have an abundance of everything. Where is justice...where is GOD?
 Our GOD is in heaven as it says in Psalm 115:16, "The highest heavens belong to the LORD, but the earth he has given to man."  We were given this earth to care for. Not just for human kind but for all living creatures. We have a responsibility to each other and this earth. We are our brothers' keeper. We have made idols of silver and gold trusting in people who care only for themselves. Greed has fueled the destruction and downfall of every past so called great nation. How great we are in our own eyes.....but where is the compassion for our brothers in need.
 GOD gave us a perfect earth an environment to sustain us and every living thing. We are responsible for our actions. Forgive us LORD I pray and continue to have mercy upon us. IF THERE IS NO GOD WE HAVE NO HOPE!  What's good....What's bad!

Walk with the Wise....

The Bible is a source of peace and wisdom. From the book of Proverbs I have constantly been brought back to this passage :"He who walks with the wise grows wise, But a companion of fools suffers harm". As I continue to evaluate my life's decisions I think how many times I have followed. How many times I have allowed the influence of negative and foolish people bring counsel to my decisions. Have you?

Take control of your life. Stand up for your life. Seek wise counsel and associate with wise people. Just maybe some of that wisdom will rub off on you. What's Good....wise counsel. What's Bad...being a companion of fools! 

Time to Be Happy

Happiness today is relevant to our time. How do you spend your time? Do you find the time to spend doing things that make you happy? Do you have the quality time that you would like with your family?
Happiness starts with time management. You must make the time to enjoy the things that make you happy. Look at each daily task. How much time do you have in a day? How much time do you spend sleeping? How much time do you spend going to and from work? How much time at work? How much time do you spend on entertainment? How much of your time is spent in family activities? Sit down and write them out so you may analyze each item. What is most important to your happiness? There are many responsibilities that we must accomplish in each day. If our time is spent efficiently in every aspect of our day, we can find the time to enjoy each day.
Now that you have found the time to be happy what will you do? Lasting happiness is found in two areas of our life. The spiritual is an area that can not be left out of your life. It envelops inner peace and self fulfillment of hopes and dreams. At times, spiritual happiness can be shared and needs to be shared. Often this happiness is all about you. What your dreams require to be accomplished can lead you to separate yourself from others at times. Time for ones' self can often be time by ones' self. It is not a selfish act but a self fulfilling act. Spend time getting to know yourself and then be true to yourself. Seek happiness within yourself and not let your happiness be dependent upon someone else.
Now the physical area of happiness in your life. The relationships in your life and connections even in your work contribute to the physical well being of your life. That loved one that you hug, that you cook for, that you take care of brings you physical happiness. When your job becomes enjoyable by being challenging and rewarding it too can bring physical happiness. Physical happiness brings others into your life. It is shared happiness.
I find happiness in a sunny day. Watching squirrels play. Seeing a laughing child at play. I am happy in a good book. For me it is crime novels and motivational writers. I am happy with the LADY I love in a quiet moment just snuggling up listening to smooth jazz. I have been told that I enjoy my food. I guess that is a happiness for me also. I am happiest when I laugh. Laugh until I cry. Oh how I love to laugh. I am happier when I have helped someone in need because GOD has blessed me and how can I not give back.
What makes you happy?
What has influenced me the most are the questions that we ask in life. What do you want in life? What do you need in life?  Most people just want to be happy but never make the time to enjoy their happiness. Time can never be saved but our memories can. Let your memories be of happy times.
James Smart - EzineArticles Expert Author