Great Lakes Science Center

Branding and Facebook Ad Success

Are you one of those entrepreneurs who is focusing on branding their business or company?  If your answer is "yes", you may want to link your Facebook ad to your Facebook page.  Don't have one?  Well. Let's have a look at Facebook pages.

A Facebook page provides "a customizable presence for an organization, product, or public personality to join the conversation with Facebook users", according to Facebook. Its main focus is the "stream of content" provided by page administrators.

In other words, create a page for your company or yourself, providing real-time feedback, updates, screen shots and photos. Then establish your brand, endowing the page with a definite, deliberate personality - one which you want aligned to your company mission and values. Chances are you will find you've created a powerful connection with your visitors. The content on your page and the feedback from real readers may help convince them to then click on your sales page link or the link to your main site, once your ad appears and people see that yours is a lively, positive page.

Another thing a page can do is charm potential customers into regular visits - particularly if they know you are going to:

  • - Provide them with an "insider" peek into your company's heart
  • - Give them inside information
  • - Provide them with the latest news about your product or company
  • - Give them a "reward"; perhaps a special discount link, a game against other fans, or the chance to enter a contest or draw (run the latter two events by Facebook first!)

Regular followers are an asset - and a sure sign that you're doing things right.

Beware of "Selling"

One thing that is key to creating a successful, strong Facebook Page: Be honest and up-front with your readers. Avoid anything that even faintly resembles hype or a sales pitch.

This should be the place they go that makes them feel as if you've let them slip into your private lunchroom, chatting with them like a friend and sharing things you wouldn't share with outsiders. Your posts will also appear in their News Feeds.

Next : What does Facebook have to offer network marketers.

To your success,

Social Networking...What's It All About

Since being introduced in the mid 1990's social networking sites have revolutionized the way we do business online. With instant access to your target audience, and the ability to keep a steady pulse on what our market is currently interested in, it has never been easier to connect with potential buyers and long-term customers.
Networking can provide people with the opportunity to create profiles, blogs and personal pages that reflect their individuality, interests and experiences. It puts people in quick contact with old friends, or helps them make new ones. When it comes to generating new interest or exposure for your online business, social networks can help you quickly locate potential buyers, connect with authority figures, expand your outreach and even conduct niche research to determine current buying patterns, trends and overall demand. 

There are literally hundreds of social media sites that have sprung up over the last few years. However due to the time involved with engaging and interacting within these communities while establishing credibility in your market in order to build the most effective marketing campaigns, you'll want to focus only on the most established,active social community sites. I will discuss  some of the top  networking websites where you can build an online presence quickly and easily, while subsequently tapping into some of the most profitable niche markets online, and locating potential joint venture partners and important business contacts. These community sites will help you to develop brand awareness while maximizing your exposure and outreach.

Look for my next blog as I begin a series of posts on  my experiences and lessons learned on some of the networking communities that I have been involved in. 

To your Success,