Great Lakes Science Center

Having an Open Mind

What's open mind allows one to magnetize opportunities and insists and continues to follow opportunities. Even if an opportunity is small an open mind is open to follow it. Dreams may start small but with focus and planning and fortitude those dreams that start in an open mind can reach maturity. 

In network marketing it is called having passion. True passion starts in an open mind. Can you imagine running your own business? It starts with the passion to want to get out of the 9 to 5 box. It turns into a passion that demands you to seek those who can help you reach your dreams.

Your passion opens your mind to explore the wisdom of those who have succeeded in the business of your choice. What did they do? How did they become leaders? Most importantly how can I become the leader. What is so truly great about network marketing is you do not have to lead .....only duplicate what is successful and pass it on. It all starts with an open mind. Change your mindset and you will become free to achieve the life of financial freedom you desire and deserve.

Focus on what is possible, rather than the limits that you may see just before you. See yourself beyond today and start reaching for those daily goals that lead to your brighter tomorrows. Program your mind to be open to thoughts of success:
  1. Become the person who seeks success by modeling successful people.
  2. Become a reader. Read self-improvement and empowering books. Read autobiographies of successful people who overcame hardships and misfortunes yet they accomplished their goals.
  3. Affirm yourself and focus with a clear image of the outcome. Believe that you can achieve and that it is already done.
  4. Keep your mind filled with positive thoughts and keep negative people are as your friends are.

The mind can create what the mind sees, believes, feels, and thinks. Your reality begins in an open mind. What are you creating as your reality? You can achieve success when you open up your mind to believe and put into action the power of attraction. Attract positive and repel negative, both people and situations.

Open your mind to success, and there will be no What's Bad,


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