Great Lakes Science Center

Knowing Who You Are

Knowing who you are is a very important task. When you know who you are and clearly understand what you want, you can better discover how to live a  successful life. In knowing yourself you can live a life of purpose and happiness.

Knowing your inner self (what makes you tick) will enable you to reach your goals more effectively. Knowing who you are will lead to an inner calmness that will improve your attitude and your relationships and connections with others.

Psychologists receive very good salaries helping individuals see and understand who they are. It is natural most people hide their inner feelings. There are situations in our lives that we do not wish to cope with. 
Knowing who you are empowers and enables you to create different choices for your life. Develop a positive attitude and believe in yourself. Develop confidence in yourself and believe that you can achieve all that your potential and skills will allow.

Getting to know yourself is a voyage that will allow you to transform your life for the better. The success of this journey depends deeply upon if you are willing to face yourself. Know that no one is perfect and accept the fact that yes, you do have some problem areas. I am very impatient at times with other people not understanding what seems to me, to be simple. On this journey to enlightenment you might discover certain things that you may not like about yourself. You may possibly want to hide or deny them even from yourself. Be strong and accept those negative things because it is only by accepting your faults you can truly change for the better.

Be able to accept and listen to the opinion of others who speak with wisdom and understanding. Some call it constructive criticism I call it  wise counsel. Be willing to learn. Remember, "it is a wise man that accepts wise counsel," from Proverbs in the Bible. Changing your judgment and views by using more reliable facts is not a sign of weakness but of strength in your character. Be wise not stubborn!

Discover and improve the true person inside of you and not what others perceive you to be. It is not about who you believe you must be, but the person that you truly are. Discover your strengths and weaknesses and become a complete person.

Educate to eradicate the ignorance of a negative mindset. Read both books and people. They both can help you change your life to one of mental calm with direction and lead to a fulfilled and successful life.

What's getting to know who you are.
 What's never taking the time "To thine own self be true".

To your success,

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